الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

The effects of water crisis in India :

The huge and growing population in India is putting the

drinking water resources in danger. Most water sources

are contaminated by sewage, waste and agricultural

runoff. India put forward in giving people clean water for

drinking. But the World Bank estimates that 21% of

Infectious diseases in India are related to unsafe water.

Only Diarrhea in India causes more than 1,600 deaths

daily. Also Hygiene practices continue to be a problem

in India. Latrine use is every poor in rural areas of the

country, only 14% of the rural population have latrine.

Hand washing is also very low which makes the spread

of diseases increasing. In order to decrease the amount

of disease spread through drinking water, we must

improve latrine use and hygiene.

The effects of water crisis in China :

The World Bank expected that by 2020 there will be 30

million environmental refugees in China because of

water stress. And more than half of China suffers from

water crisis which affect on 160 million people. Also 90%

of cities’ groundwater and 75% of rivers and lakes are

polluted. As a result of water pollution, 700 million

people drink polluted water every day. And the number

of people who  die because of diseases is increasing day

by day.

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